Aug 16: Our club was very well represented at the 38th annual Moonlight 5k road race in Williamsville, NY. It was a perfect night for a race, and several of our runners proved it. Congratulations to our podium finishers, Stuart, Leigh-Ellen and Vicky!
The link to the results is here
The link to the results is here
Aug 10: Our latest SCRRW Member Spotlight award winner is Lisa Galloway!! For several years Lisa has worked on the Social Committee and helped organize many club events such as our annual Christmas Party and Wine run. She and Stuart have graciously offered their home for events such as the "Guess Your Time" run and the recent holiday bike ride. She also extends an amazing warm welcome to new club members. Congratulations and thanks Lisa!
We also acknowledge Cat's Caboose for their ongoing support of our club and its members!
We also acknowledge Cat's Caboose for their ongoing support of our club and its members!
July 28: This weekend we had four competitors at the "Tally in the Valley" trail running event in Dundas Valley Conservation area. On Saturday Tony and Lyndsay ran in the 6 hour event. On Sunday Carla and Bernice did the half marathon. See above for a few photos, and here are the 6 hour results and the 21.1k results And Don Stoakley competed in the Subaru Olympic distance duathlon in Owen Sound. He raced 2k run, 40k bike then 10k run! Congrats to all!
July 20: Yesterday we had several runners at the Subaru 4 Mile chase in Buffalo. Congrats to the following, who look like they had a great time! Stuart, Vicky, Cesar, Laura, Belen, Noah and Rose. Henri attended as cheerleader! Here is a link to the race results.
July 20: Yesterday we had several runners at the Subaru 4 Mile chase in Buffalo. Congrats to the following, who look like they had a great time! Stuart, Vicky, Cesar, Laura, Belen, Noah and Rose. Henri attended as cheerleader! Here is a link to the race results.
June 23: Yesterday we had a team of amazing trail runners competing in the Sunburn Solstice trail run in Mount Hope. "The Usual Suspects" each ran the 3.7k loop eight times for a team total of 152.4km! They began at 5:39 am and continued the relay event until 8:30pm. The team placed a very impressive fifth out of 25 mixed teams! Pictured are Ryan, Greg, Rose, Vicky and Trevor. They are grateful for the support and motivation from team "With a little help from our friends" Mark, Carla, Dawn, Enrique and Tracey.
We also had three club members in the Rose City Triathlon on Saturday/Sunday. Don, Lyndsay and Christine.
We also had three club members in the Rose City Triathlon on Saturday/Sunday. Don, Lyndsay and Christine.
Above are a few of our 12 Mile Creek runners and walkers.
May 16: Our latest SCRRW Member Spotlight award winner is Juan Sebastian Pulido!! Juan completed the 2024 TCS London Marathon virtually on April 21 with a time of 3:01:37, (and also without drinking fluids)! Congratulations Juan!! Also thank you again to Cats Caboose for their ongoing support! And, last weekend, Ian Warner won the "Conquer the Canuck" event at Shades Mill Conservation Area! Ian ran 93.5km in 12 hours! Many congratulations on an amazing achievement Ian!
May 16: Our latest SCRRW Member Spotlight award winner is Juan Sebastian Pulido!! Juan completed the 2024 TCS London Marathon virtually on April 21 with a time of 3:01:37, (and also without drinking fluids)! Congratulations Juan!! Also thank you again to Cats Caboose for their ongoing support! And, last weekend, Ian Warner won the "Conquer the Canuck" event at Shades Mill Conservation Area! Ian ran 93.5km in 12 hours! Many congratulations on an amazing achievement Ian!
May 5: Below are some images from the Ranney Gorge 10.55k race in Campbellford, ON (first three photos) and the Waterville Trail Running Festival in Ireland! (next seven). And don't forget our Sunday trail apes also ran! (last image).
March 21: Our latest SCRRW Member Spotlight award winner is Leigh-Ellen Keating! She is a long time club member who graciously donated storage space to us during Covid, and she also hosts many of our board meetings (sometimes with tasty snacks!) Additionally, Leigh-Ellen has given us valuable technological advice and created our new QR code for marketing purposes.
March 4: There was a large group of SCRRW members running in the Buffalo Shamrock 8k road race.
Check here for the link to the race results. Special mention to our top three finishers: Noah, Greg and Rebecca, who all finished in under 38 minutes! Big thanks to Trevor Brown for organizing the bus trip to the race and also for picking up race kits!
March 4: There was a large group of SCRRW members running in the Buffalo Shamrock 8k road race.
Check here for the link to the race results. Special mention to our top three finishers: Noah, Greg and Rebecca, who all finished in under 38 minutes! Big thanks to Trevor Brown for organizing the bus trip to the race and also for picking up race kits!
Feb 10: Our latest SCRRW Member Spotlight award winner is Trevor Brown! Trevor puts in many volunteer hours for our club in preparation for our social events, as well as organizing and scheduling transportation to out of town races and events. We are very grateful for all his work! Thanks as always to Cat's Caboose for generously supporting our club.
Jan 24: Here are some of the brave "Fools" who ran or walked in the cold last Saturday at the Winter 12 Mile Creek half marathon/10k.
Dec 22, 2023: Congratulations to the latest recipient of our “SCRRW Member Spotlight” Stuart Galloway!
Stuart has recently been designated as a “2023 All-Ontarian" in the Masters Distance category by the Athletics Ontario Awards Committee. This is a wonderful achievement, and it just reinforces what a great runner Stuart is and also a fine representative of our club! We all send you our congratulations on this award Stuart!
Oct 26: Before our run/walk from Cat's last night we gathered to hear from our founding member, Roy Collins, about the origin of the club, which was founded by Roy and a fellow St. Catharines runner way back in 1978! More details will be coming soon! Roy was presented with a small gift to acknowledge his achievement of starting our club and his continuous involvement ever since. Roy brought with him the "Municipal Trophy" from the "Man-a-Mile" race, which our club has won on numerous occasions.
Below you will see some images from our 2023 Head for the Hills race from White Meadows Maple Farm.
Below you will see some images from our 2023 Head for the Hills race from White Meadows Maple Farm.
And today, Thanksgiving Monday, we had two teams entered again in the 101st edition of the Man-a-Mile relay on the Niagara Parkway. It was fine, but cool and windy. However, this did not prevent both our teams winning an award. The photos below are not necessarily in chronological order!
Sept 28: The three photos below show the first three winners of our "Club Member Spotlight" award. After each club board meeting (which are held about every other month), one of the board members selects someone to be recognized for a notable race performance, a significant contribution to the life of the club, or another worthy achievement. The first three winners, pictured with President Tony Pisano are Vicky Kelly, Bobbie Thompson and Carla Royer! Each received a gift certificate from Cat's Caboose. We are very grateful to Scott and the staff for accommodating our club every Wednesday night!
And here are a few more photos to give you an idea about us and our club.