As mentioned on our homepage, we run trails every Sunday morning. These "Trail Apes" runs begin at 9 am, unless otherwise stated. We will probably try a few Wednesday night trail runs from Cat's Caboose too. These will be planned at the time.
The Sunday trail apes runs are usually about 10k and nobody gets left behind! The details for these runs will be posted each week on the club Facebook page.
Be sure to look on the club Facebook page and Instagram each week for locations, times and details of the group trail runs! Here are the locations of most of our start or finish points:
Pelham Road entrance to Short Hills Provincial Park
Southern Cairn (on the Bruce Trail)
Fireman’s Park at the end of Dorchester Road
Woodend Conservation Area at back of lot by gate
Brock University lot across from new Track at Walker Abilities Centre
Roland Road entrance to Short Hills
Morningstar Mill
Rockway Community Centre
Butterballs/Jordan Hollow park.
Quarry Road
Locust Lane Winery
Grimsby/Elm Street Pool